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Educational Therapy

Educational Therapy - WeThrive Learning


We incorporate hands-on material to construct the math and translate abstract concepts into visual representations. Our multisensory instructions help students "see" the math to help identify relationships, illustrate numerical expressions, reason, generalize their understanding, and think of numbers flexibly.

Educational Therapy - WeThrive Learning

Written Expression

Using multisensory techniques and evidence-based, proven instructional methodologies, we break the writing process into manageable chunks with extensive and deliberate practice to transform students into strong, skilled, confident writers.

Educational Therapy - WeThrive Learning

Study Skills

Using proven active study strategies, we teach our students how to study effectively for their tests. Using the science of learning, students learn how to create their study tools, strategically develop study plans, and learn the difference between passive and active study strategies to learn how to study smart.

Educational Therapy - WeThrive Learning

Reading Comprehension

For students to understand what they read, we teach them foundational reading skills, expand their vocabulary and oral language, address the difference between text structures, and develop their metacognitive skills to monitor their reading comprehension.


Executive Skills Coaching


We support students with ADHD and executive dysfunction using a strength-based coach approach. Our style of coaching focuses on eliciting behavior change by helping students explore and resolve ambivalence. We gradually invite students to take on their responsibilities incrementally and teach them how their brains work to provide a new lens of understanding themselves.

Our approach helps students link their long-term goals to their daily behavior to help them reach those goals. We work 1-1 with students to establish goals, create roadmaps to achieve the goals, ignite intrinsic motivation, develop strong study skills, and improve time-management and organizational skills. Our coaching process fires the learners’ executive brain region by asking the right open-ended questions, evokes personal exploration, and elicits self-awareness that catalyzes goal-setting and change.


1-on-1 Consultations

Parent Coaching - WeThrive Learning
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The parent role is crucial when it comes to supporting a complex kid. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends medication and parent training as the first line of treatment for parents of kids with ADHD and other executive function issues. Without parent training, the treatment for executive function challenges is not comprehensive with medication alone. Whether they have ADHD, executive dysfunction, emotional regulation challenges, or other learning differences, the action starts with the parents! 


We work 1-1 with parents to address the family’s individual needs and help restore the child-parent relationship. As a certified Sanity School Trainer, our coach approach helps parents increase their awareness, take on new perspectives, and learn strategies that create a positive and connected environment.




We conduct formal and informal assessments to inform our session interventions better, capitalize on student strengths, and understand a student’s complex learning profile.  In addition to gathering objective data about skills and discovering misconceptions, we begin to build a trusting relationship with the student and observe self-regulatory behaviors. Our assessments provide us with constructive information to establish and prioritize treatment goals and select the appropriate methodologies.

After conducting our assessments, we develop a more holistic view of the learner and use the data to guide our sessions and enhance our conversations with the team,  which consists of parents, teachers, and other professionals, to optimize the student’s learning. In the process, we teach students about their strengths and challenges to have a greater self-understanding and advocate for themselves. 


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